Autumn Recruitment – Looking for a new Brass Band?

As summer is coming to a close and the nights are pulling in your might be thinking about the future.

You may be thinking that you want more from your Brass Banding and are thinking about a change. Pendeen Silver Band is well known for being the most open and friendly band in all of West Cornwall, and is also known as the the most progressive and forward thinking band in the region.

So far in 2012 we have celebrated our 120th Reunion with an amazing concert and buffet at Geevor Tin Mine, we have competed against the best bands in the World at the Whit Friday Marches and our very own Band Week was a festival of music that celebrated the band in the community.

Add to this the relaunch of our training band, our plans to tour the Isles of Silly in 2013, our commitment to enter (and win) the SWBBA Championships, the National Qualifiers and Bugle you can see that Pendeen Silver Band is the brass band for West Cornwall.

Now, we need YOU.

We are looking for players to join throughout the band, and in particular:

  • Solo Cornets
  • An Euphonium
  • A Bass Trombone
  • An Eb Bass
  • A BBb Bass
  • All other players welcome too!

If you think your banding could do with a perk, if you want to play in a friendly and progressive brass band that brings joy to your life then you should join us.

Give us a call on 07764 679 370 or email to find out more!

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